Privacy Policy

Last updated: November 19, 2023

Welcome to REI Litics! We acknowledge that it is critical for you to have your privacy protected when you visit our Website and make use of our Services. This Privacy Policy describes our privacy practices, including how we collect, use, share and secure your personal data when you use our Services. It also informs you of your personal data rights as our user. Please note that in addition to all applicable privacy laws in the United States, we also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016, which may grant specific rights to users who access the Platform from the European Economic Area.

Please carefully read this Privacy Policy before accessing the REI Litics Website located at (hereinafter the “Platform,” or “Website,”). The Platform is controlled by SRG Creative Group LLC, a Company formed and operating in accordance with the laws of the State of New York (the “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”).

We will not process your personal data in any manner other than as described in this Privacy Policy. When you visit our Website, subscribe to our newsletter, or sign up for a user account, you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any provision of this Privacy Policy, please do not access the Platform.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not control or describe the privacy practices of any third-party websites that you may access through links made available on our Platform.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Who is covered by this Privacy Policy?

      This Privacy Policy covers individuals who visit our Website, sign-up for a user account, and subscribe to our newsletter.

  • 2. Definitions

      Unless expressly defined otherwise in our Terms of Use, the following words shall have the meaning as defined below:

      Account Holder

      refers to a user who registers a user account on the Platform.

      “Data Controller, ” “Personal Data,” and “Processing”

      shall have the same meaning as defined in Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016.

      Data Subject

      refers to any individual who accesses/uses the Platform and whose personal data is collected/processed by the Company.


      means the Website/Platform, including all content/information provided on the Platform, software features/functionality, and customer support.


      refers to an account holder, Website visitor, or newsletter subscriber.

      User Account

      means the Platform account provided by the Company to a user, which enables the user to securely log in to the Platform and make use of the features and functionality.

  • 3. What personal data do we collect, and how do we use it?

      There is some personal data that you voluntarily provide us with when you use our Platform and some personal data that we are able to collect automatically from your access/use our Service. Regardless of whether we receive your personal data directly from you or automatically, we will only process it for purposes outlined below and other purposes which may be compatible with the initial purpose for which we collected your personal information.

      Please note if you are accessing our Service from the European Union, we rely on a legal basis such as your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of GDPR), the performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of GDPR), or legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f)).

      You may decline to provide any personal data when requested by the Company. However, you understand that your refusal to provide any personal data required for the provision of our Service may result in us not being able to deliver the Service to you.

      The exact elements of personal information that we collect from you may also depend on whether you are using the Platform as a Website Visitor or user account holder.

    • Personal data we collect

      • ● Voluntarily Submitted Personal Data
        • ○ User Account Data

          When you register a user account on the Platform, you provide us with some personal data, including your full name, email address, profile image, date of birth, and state/country. Please note that if you decide to purchase a day pass or subscribe to our monthly subscription, you will also be required to provide your payment card details to our payment processor (“User Account Data”).

        • Why do we process the User Account Data?

          We process your User Account Data for purposes including but not limited to:
          ■ Creating your user account on the Platform;
          ■ Enabling you to securely sign in to your user account and make use of the Platform features and functionality;
          ■ To enable you to make payment for your selected plan; and
          ■ Contacting you as and when needed.

        • Legal basis for processing User Account Data

          e rely upon Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, as the legal basis for processing the User Account Data.

        • Retention Period

          We may retain a user’s User Account Data for up to six months after the termination of the user’s User Account. At the end of the six-month period, we will remove all User Account Data and may only retain information that cannot be linked back to the user. Please note that we may be allowed to keep your User Account Data for a longer duration on other lawful grounds.

      • ○ Newsletter Subscription Data

        When you subscribe to receive our newsletter on the Website, we collect your full name and email address.

        Why do we process ‘Newsletter Subscription Data’?

        We use the Newsletter Subscription Data to send you our newsletter as well as other marketing communication, including any special offers, promotions, and freebies.

        Legal basis for processing support data

        We rely upon Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR, our legitimate interests, as our legal basis for processing this data.

        Retention Period

        We will retain your Newsletter Subscription Data until such time that you withdraw your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of our electronic newsletter or by sending an opt-out message to from the same email that you provided when you subscribed to the newsletter.

      • ○ Survey Data

        We may occasionally invite you to participate in our user surveys. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary, and you are not required to provide any personal information if you choose not to do so.

        Why do we process ‘Survey Data’?

        We use Surveys to improve our understanding of how users use our Services, how we can improve our current services, and the new services that our users may find interesting.

        Legal basis for processing support data

        We rely upon Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR, our legitimate interests, as our legal basis for processing this data.

        Retention Period

        We will retain any personal information included in our survey data for up to six months after the date that we initially sent the survey to our users.

      • Support Request Data

        The Company also receives personal data directly from a user when a user sends a support request to the Company (“Support data”). Support data may include a user’s name, email address, and the content of the message (“Support Data”). Support data may also include any other personal data requested by the Company in order to service a user’s support request.

        Why do we process ‘support data’?

        We process this data to understand and service a user’s support request and to follow up with the user if required.

        Legal basis for processing support data

        We rely upon Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR, our legitimate interests, as our legal basis for processing this data.

        Retention Period

        We will retain the support data for up to six months after the date of your last communication to us. We may retain the content of the support request past the retention period by anonymizing it for our internal business purposes.

    • ● Automatically collected data

        Analytics Data

        Our Platform makes use of Google Analytics services to automatically collect information about our users, such as our user's Internet Protocol (IP) address, their browser type, and version, date/time of a user visits our Platform, the pages they visit, and their interests. Google Analytics makes use of cookies. Please visit our Cookie Policy to learn more.

        Why do we process Analytics Data?

        We process analytics data to improve your user experience, and we may also use this data to serve targeted advertisements to our users.

        Legal Basis for Processing

        Our legal basis is our legitimate interest Article 6(1)(f), which does not override our users’ rights.

        Retention of Analytics Data

        Analytics data is not retained for more than 90 days from the date of your last visit.

  • 4. Sharing your personal data

    We do not participate in the practice of selling or renting our users’ personal data. We only share our users’ personal data with third parties in the following circumstances:

      ● Third-Party Service Providers
    • We may be required to share your personal data with third-party service providers that we engage during the performance of our business operations. Please note that we will only disclose your personal information that is necessary for our Service Providers to perform their obligations on our behalf. Such third-party service providers will only use your personal data as authorized by us, and in no event will they be allowed to use it for any purpose other than those specified in this Privacy Policy.

      ● Change of Ownership
    • If in the future, we buy a business or are acquired by another business, our users’ personal data may be disclosed to the new entity as part of due diligence and transferred as part of the commercial transaction. We assure you that in the event of any such changes in ownership, your personal data will continue to be governed by this Privacy Policy, except in cases where you expressly consent otherwise.

      ● To protect ourselves or our users
    • We will disclose your personal data to comply with the law; to enforce our Agreement with you; to defend ourselves in legal actions, or to protect our users or others from threats posed by your actions, including but not limited to sharing your data with other organizations as part of fraud protection.

  • 5. How do we secure your data?

      Our Platform is designed with the security of data in mind. We only transmit our users’ data using encryption protocols. We also use a secure third-party payment processor to collect and process our users’ payment data, so none of the sensitive financial data is collected or stored on our database. We also restrict access to data within our Company on a need-to-know basis to prevent unauthorized access. All user accounts are password-protected, and we restrict the use of an account by multiple users. Regardless of the security measures that we have put in place, you acknowledge that the transmission of data over the internet is never one hundred percent secure. Accordingly, we cannot offer any guarantees as to the absolute security of your personal data.

  • 6 Do Not Track (DNT)

      Please note that we do not respond to DNT signals by changing our data collection and use practices.

  • 7 Data Subject Rights in the European Economic Area

      If you make use of the Service from the European Economic Area (EEA), you have the following rights to access and edit the personal information that we hold for you. You can exercise your right by signing in to your user account on the Platform or sending us a data subject request from the same email address that you used to sign-up for the Platform. In some circumstances, you may also request the deletion of your personal data. Where our legal basis for processing your personal data is your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent.

      You can send your data subject requests to us at, and we will respond to your request within 30 days.

  • 8 Children’s Privacy

      We are committed to protecting children’s privacy. The Platform does not allow users under the age of 18 years to sign up for a user account. If you believe that a child has provided his/her personal information to us, please contact us, and we will investigate the matter and take appropriate action.

  • 10 Amendments

      Our Platform is designed with the security of data in mind. We only transmit our users’ data using encryption protocols. We also use a secure third-party payment processor to collect and process our users’ payment data, so none of the sensitive financial data is collected or stored on our database. We also restrict access to data within our Company on a need-to-know basis to prevent unauthorized access. All user accounts are password-protected, and we restrict the use of an account by multiple users. Regardless of the security measures that we have put in place, you acknowledge that the transmission of data over the internet is never one hundred percent secure. Accordingly, we cannot offer any guarantees as to the absolute security of your personal data.

  • 11 Contact Us

      If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

